Sunday, September 20, 2009

Health Care Reform-Now or Never?

It has been a while since I have posted here and I apologize for that. Now, with the discussion of Health Care Reform, is the time to speak up. The President has outlined, in my opinion, a good plan. I would have liked a universal system personally but with the climate and the resurection of Joe McCarthy and the John Birch society; that seems to be a non-starter.
I think the fight has to be about the plan the President outlined. All of us, whether in the Labor Movement or not have needed to get insurance reined in for years. It may not be all we want but it is a sizable step in the correct direction. I believe there is a strong and viable public option avaialble and it will help those who have nothing. We must get this passed and the way to do that is to explain our postion clearly and with out stooping to the tactics of the insurance lobby and the groups that want this admisnistration to fail.
Let me be clear, the groups that organized the shouters at the town halls in August have been on the record that they want Obama and the Democrats to fail. It makes perfect sense because this is one of those "FDR" moments for the Democrats. FDR gave us Social Security and the National Labor Relations Act among many other things. Those acts changed the landscape of society in this country from that point to today. The Republicans have suffered defeats in the last two election cycles so they have pulled out the "oppose anything from the other side" playbook.
This may make you angry but hold on a minute. The issues confronting us as a nation are not unlike the ones facing the nation during FDR's first term or even second term. WE have people briddled with staggering debt, lose of pensions, job loss and bankruptcy. Compound those issues with high medical bills and you have a toxic situation that is terminal. The President and the Democrats are trying to address those issues not as a politcal party but as a neighbor helping a neighbor. The Republicans want to oppose that?
The issues we face are not the ones you play politics with unless you have some hidden agenda. If there is such a hidden agenda then it is one that will destroy the fabric of this nation and will leads us to ruin. We must stop all of this nonsense and in the words of the President, "Put away these childish things." We need to stand up and say to the insurance companies that you had a good run but your time is passing. You can adapt or get left behind.


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